Pastor Belinda McCastle is a native of Fayetteville, GA. She is a dynamic servant leader whose vibrant, yet humble spirit has proven to be an asset in her quest to serve the Lord in spirit and truth. Pastor McCastle is an anointed teacher, preacher, dedicated community servant, and skilled spiritual counselor. She engaged in advanced studies at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS) in Trauma and Spiritual Care. Also, where she is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Augusta State University, a Master of Divinity from Gammon Theological Seminary at the historic Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), and a Certificate in Executive Leadership from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.
As an ordained Elder in Full-Connection in the United Methodist Church, Pastor McCastle currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Wesley Chapel UMC in McDonough, GA. She served as the Associate Pastor over Evangelism, Mission, Outreach, and Social Concerns at Ben Hill UMC in Atlanta. She served as Senior Pastor of New Hope United Methodist Church in Fayetteville, GA. In the North Georgia Conference, outside of ecclesial settings, Pastor McCastle has served on the Atlanta College Park District Committee on Ordained Ministry as chairperson, as Statistician for the Lagrange District, and member of the Strategic Growth Team for the Lagrange, Griffin, and currently the Central South Districts. She also currently serves on the Black Church Development Executive Committee as a Member and Mentor. She also served on the North GA Annual Conference Worship Committee. Truly, there is irrefutable evidence that her leadership, strategic planning, and affinity for excellence in all things have yielded to her successful matriculation as a servant leader within the church and in the community.
Pastor McCastle is also a certified peace officer and faithfully served the Fayette County community with integrity and honor for 21 years before retiring at the rank of Lieutenant with the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office. Pastor McCastle has a profound compassion for the sick, the shut-in, and the less fortunate. She has actively partnered with local and national organizations to alleviate homelessness and provide community health and wellness resources to offer holistic support to those in need. Without question, her leadership qualities are exemplified throughout her day-to-day interactions with humanity as she does not meet a stranger. She is a phenomenal leader who serves out of the box and has learned to live and lead outside of her comfort zone as she walks by faith and not by sight. Because of these efforts, she was honored by the Atlanta Chapter of the Coalition of 100 Black Women for outstanding community service in 2015. In 2017, she was the recipient of the Fortitude Educational and Cultural Development Center’s Pinnacle Leadership Award for exceptional public service and community involvement.
Her Christian philosophy is “Only what you do for Christ will last.” Pastor McCastle has fully embraced the calling upon her life and she continuously strives to serve God and all of God’s people with excellence, integrity, and humility. She has been incredibly blessed to teach and preach the gospel at various churches, conferences, revivals, and special events throughout the continental USA and abroad. All in all, serving, teaching, preaching, inspiring, and being authentically herself at all times is one of her life’s greatest joys. The ability to operate in the knowledge that her purposed passion comes from serving people and seeing them striving diligently to make their dreams become realities is the motivation behind all that Pastor McCastle does. She truly is concerned with people being their best in all aspects of life.
She is married to Thaddeus McCastle, and they are the proud parents of three amazing daughters: Angel, Meagan, and Mariah. Their granddaughter Heaven is the apple of their eye. There is no question that Pastor McCastle is a woman of faith, filled with the Holy Spirit, loves God’s people, and does her very best to serve with excellence in all she does. Whatever you remember about her, remember that it is not about her, but it’s all about Jesus.