Dr. Wylene Adams & Ms. Andrea Barrett
Ministry Overview
Opportunity to meet new people, grow spiritually and give back. WCUMC Singles Ministry is comprised of Singles of all ages who have never been married, divorced, widowed, or a single parent.
The purpose of the Singles Ministry is to teach Singles how to live a productive life for Christ no matter where they are in their singlehood. It teaches Singles how to be successful where God has them now in this season of life and how to prepare to be where they are asking God to take them.
GROW, CONNECT, SERVE – We are a community of Christian Singles on a mission to grow spiritually, to practice our Christian values, to actively serve Jesus and to do all of that together. Our desire is to create an atmosphere where Biblical truth is spoken, lives are transformed and friendships are made.
The Singles Ministry Goal is to build a community of liked minded believers, designed for the Christian Singles of all ages; while serving the church family, community, and the world using their time, resources, and spiritual gifts.
Our vision is to impact a whole community of singles for Jesus, both within the Church and throughout Georgia. We want to invite singles wherever they are to join us on our journey of Living Single differently, seeking God intentionally, and treating each other honorably. Our Resource: Single For A Season by David Bruhlmann. (Available on Amazon)