Young Voices of Wesley Choir Chairperson:
Mrs. Wilma Dennis
Young Voices of Wesley Choir Vice-Chair: Ms. Christina Thomas


“Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled.”
Psalm 65:1 (NIV) 

Mission Statement:

The mission of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church (UMC) Young Voices Of Wesley (YVOW) choir is to invite all youth and children to minister through song. The mastery of these skills will enable the singers to develop discipline, self-confidence and most importantly, a deeper understanding of their faith. While reflecting on God’s love, we will endeavor to teach each child about God, lead each child to foster a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and encourage each child to grow in the likeness of God in order to enhance the Wesley Chapel UMC’s Music Ministry.

Vision Statement:

It is our vision that the participants in the Young Voices Of Wesley (YVOW) choir will come to personally know and experience Christ’s love, spirit, and truth, and discover their spiritual potential through a Christ-focused, loving, caring and community-involved ministry.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

 If you desire for your child to be a part of the YVOW Choir or if you are in need of additional information please contact:

Mrs. Wilma Dennis @ or

Ms. Christina Thomas @

YVOW is designed to teach children not only music skills, but life-long, life-changing principles through song.