
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
Psalm 119:105

There are so many references in the Bible about connecting with God and each other by studying his words.  As a church, there are so many ways that we have provided for you to connect with each other and to study the word of God.

1. Sunday Worship 

Adhering to Covid-19  safe practices, worship with us through our teleconference services.  Dial in at 8am and 9:45am, @ 605-475-4700 Access code 457869#.  Also we are on Facebook and Youtube at 10:30am . Everyone is welcome. We receive God's love by hearing His Word sung and preached. We also receive his love by taking Communion together.  Come empty and leave full, because we have a lot of love to give.


There is also drive in service every third Sunday of each month.


 2. Weekly Teleconference Bible Studies

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” It is certainly true that this passage is claiming that initial faith in Christ comes from hearing the inspired word about Christ, but it is also true that much of the faith we need for day-to- day living comes from hearing messages from the Bible. Romans 10:17

Adhering to Covid-19  safe practices, we offer teleconference Bible Studies.

  • On The Main Line on Tuesday
  • Traditional Bible Study On Tuesdays at 7pm
  • Early I Seek Thee On Wednesdays at  6am
  • Mid-day Bible Study Wednesdays at 12noon


3. Sunday Schools

⁴ Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! ⁵ Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. ⁶ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ⁷ And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.   Philippians 4:4-7

Adhering to Covid-19  safe practices, we offer teleconference Sunday Schools.

  • Adult Sunday School Teleconference Sundays at 8:45am
  • Junior Way Sunday School Sundays 11:30am - 12:30pm
  • Youth Sunday School Sundays 12:30pm - 1:30pm

 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:23-25)