Married Couples Ministry
Married Couples Ministry Chairperson:
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton & Audrey Clark
Vice Chairpersons Mr. Shon and Felecia Edmonds
This ministry was established in 2009. The foundation of this ministry is experiencing God’s word through collaborative study sessions facilitated by the coordinators. The study sessions are held the 3rd Sunday of March, May, July, September, and November at 9:30am in the church’s conference room. This group is currently studying Tony & Lauren Dungy’s book, Uncommon Marriage: Learning about lasting love and overcoming life’s obstacles together. In addition to study sessions, there are other group activities including dinners, movies, paint parties, festivals, and cookouts, just to name a few.
The Married Couples Ministry at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church is for married couples who seek to grow closer to God and their spouses. This ministry is designed to enrich, enlighten and empower the lives of married couples within and outside the church community.
Our Vision
To have married couples unite in Christ, living in love.
Our Mission
For married couples to be a living testimony of God’s love; to experience a closer, stronger, and more intimate relationship with God and their spouses by sharing tools that empower, enlighten and enrich their marriage through education, guided discussions, personal testimonies, and diverse activities that promote communication, intimacy; and Biblical understanding of the precepts of marriage.
When: 3rd Saturday of every month from 12 Noon to 1:30 (Thomas Hall)